This how to will set you on the path to easy tips to make yourself more attractive to the opposite sex
1 Everyone has preconceived notions of what the opposite sex wants in a partner and ninety percent of what you think you know is just plain wrong. Hopefully we can clear that up today. Spring is in the air and its just natural to start thinking about dating more, or again. Seems like everyone is talking about change lately so lets see what we can do to make these changes for the better.
2 The first thing that will make you more attractive to the opposite sex is to look them in the eye and greet them with a smile. A smile will usually result in a smile being returned, which releases trust and feel good chemicals in the brain. Looking someone in the eyes links those feelings to you and gives you the edge you just might need to approach your target and gain a few minutes of their time to assess interest. This is a two way street. After conversing with them for a few minutes you may find your not as attracted to them as you first thought.
3 The second thing that will make you more attractive to the opposite sex is practice good grooming habits. Keep your hair neat and combed, your teeth brushed, your clothes cleaned. Nothing will put a person off quicker than someone who has body odor or soiled clothes
4 The third thing that will make you more attractive to the opposite sex is to be respectful. Often I will be walking down the street or over at a pal's house and hear someone refer to their partner by a derogatory label. Sure the partner might not say anything but on a subliminal level they do know you consider yourself apart from them and it drives a wedge between the two that may take years to spread, but it will happen. If your just meeting someone this is a deal breaker with a good potential partner. They will suddenly find somewhere else to be and go there quickly leaving you high and dry.
5 The forth thing that will make you more attractive to the opposite sex is to maintain good posture. Arch your back forward and sit your head right in the middle of you shoulders and then relax yourself until your comfortable and yet fully erect. You will appear taller and more assertive. Allow your arms to be relaxed and loose and put just the tiniest swagger in your walk and you will be noticed. You may not win over everyone in your path but you will be noticed by them.
6 The fifth thing that will make you more attractive to the opposite sex is to maintain a average weight for your body frame and height. I'm probably going to get flamed for this but facts are facts. Overweight people do not get as much action as the average person does. This is not simply because they are overweight. Being overweight is a huge drain on your personal resources and energy. Overweight people get tired easy because more of their natural energy is going to maintain the large body they have. Maintaining a healthy weight is as simple as eating good foods. If you have a weight problem then fast food is the biggest no no for you. Soft drinks with sugar are the second, and diet drinks are simply not safe to drink so look to your water fountain to quench your thirst.
7 The sixth thing th at will make you more attractive to the opposite sex is just to simply talk when you have their attention. Depending on the personality of your target you either carry the conversation until they become comfortable enough with you to open up and talk back, or you listen and let them talk to you. You will learn a whole lot more about the person your attracted to by listening than you will by pontificating about yourself. Don't talk yourself out of a date, but don't be a wallflower either. While listening to someone talk, make sure they know your listening and actively let them know by nodding your head and making soft sounds of acknowledgment.
8 The seventh thing that will make you more attractive to the opposite sex is to learn to dance. One of the more popular dating experiences is gong dancing and if you can manage to not step on your dates toes, or splash their drink on their clothing you will be in the right ballpark. Dancing can set many moods. From fun to romantic to erotic, dancing covers it all. I would highly recommend you take some form of dancing lessons in a group format. Its going to cost a few dollars but it will be well worth it in the end.
9 The eighth thing that will make you more attractive to the opposite sex is never talk about your past partners in a negative way. The person on the other side of this conversation may start to thinking what you will be saying if the two of you get together and part ways in the future. This can be a deal killer when approaching a smart, sensitive partner who tends to think things through more so than to act impulsively.
10 The ninth thing that will make you more attractive to the opposite sex is to show that your interested, but do not be overbearing about it. Calling someone five times the next day after your first date will give them the wrong impression. Its OK to call once the next day and let them know you had a great time and your open to going out again. But after that end the call and wait a couple days before calling again. Don't go out of your way to avoid the person, but don't pester them either. Remember they are probably juggling a lot of things in life and have limited time so be considerate.
11 The tenth thing that will make you more attractive to the opposite sex is to develop a great sense of humor. Humor is such an individualistic concept that this one is a little tricky. Go on a comedy club on a date or go see a comedy at the movie theater, or even rent some funny movies at the video store. Let your partner help pick the selections so you get an idea of what they think humor is or you might end up offending them.
12 While these ten things may not make you a superstar in the dating arena, they certainly will not hurt you in any way, shape or form. Being attractive to the opposite sex is all in the attention to the small things, the details. Above all keep trying.
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